Zoning fairness
As the Henniker Zoning Board struggles to hear all sides and render a fair decision on the proposal for a renewable energy power plant on Old Concord Road, the Residents Environmental Action Committee for Health (REACH) can be viewed as significantly overstepping its self-appointed mandate by mailing a flier to Henniker residents touting facts to support their air pollution claims.
There is truth and then there is truth. REACH's facts obviously are intended to support its opposition to the project. Facts may not lie, but they tell the story best when they are presented in their totality. REACH's propaganda likely did not meet that criteria.
Everybody favors alternative energy sources. The problem is nobody wants any of those sources in their own back yards. In any case, the Zoning Board is not charged with air quality issues. Those are regulated by the State. The project should succeed or fail in accordance with criteria the Zoning Board has set forth.