Death Alley not to blame
To the Editor:
The tragic death of Sean Powers last week is a terrible tragedy. I did not know this young man, but his service in Iraq speaks volumes about what kind of fine person he must have been. My prayers and condolences go out to his family.
This is made more tragic by the ridiculous headline and unsigned editorial of last week's Villager, "Death Alley claims Iraq veteran". So the road (Death Alley) caused his death? Then on page 16 you go on to declare "Rumble strips save lives" together with "The debate must end". To back up that claim you cite the two recent tragedies---in spite of the facts.
Neither recent death would likely have been impacted by the presence of roaring rumble strips. Your logic and journalistic integrity now must be questioned. Sean Powers was struck from behind by a speeding car. Last time I checked the rumble strips didn't affect traffic in the same lane. And if they could, how would that improve seeing a motorcycle rear at night? Would they make the taillight bigger or brighter?
In the other fatality a wildly swerving allegedly drunk driver killed a woman recently. Again, Death Alley did not commit the crime. And again, rumble strips would not have done a thing to prevent the tragic accident.
Why no advocate for jersey barriers along the road center? As I have asked before, why not ban car altogether to prevent accidents? Why not? Because those suggestions are ridiculous! As is any suggestions that the type of rumble strips erroneously (and lazily) selected by the DOT---which roar and can be heard for miles---are a benefit to safety.
I am not saying some type of strip might not help, just that these are wrong. The quoted "double yellow line" solution (so now we have no passing zones) is equally ridiculous.
Please stop this nonsense sensationalizing about Death Alley and these roaring rumble strips. The two recent tragic deaths have nothing to do with them.
Dennis Hamel