Declaration guarantees life
To the Editor:
Ronald Reagan made two statements when he was President that will live in the halls of justice forever. The first statement was, “The only people in favor of abortion are those who have already been born,” and the second statement, as good as the first, “I didn’t leave the party, the party left me,” referring to a question by the press when asked why he left the Democratic Party after so many years of being a member.
These two statements made a lot of sense to me then, and even more today.
For that reason, I don’t believe I can ever vote for a Democrat as long as the party continues to preach “a woman’s right to choose” between life for the baby- or death. As a Christian and an American I don’t believe I should have that right. For that reason, and others, I harken back to the words of this country’s favorite President. And, I don’t want to forget the guarantee the Declaration of Independence makes to us – “Life”, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Barry Proctor