Dutton Twins multiple solution

To the Editor:
In reading the Villager for the last several weeks about the space concerns about where the Town Hall and offices should be located, I am struck by the seeming convergence of a number of other issues. These issues include: (1) the Teen Center needing long term space. (2) the space behind the old Cricenti’s being developed to include senior housing and the need for a Senior Center, (3) I am aware there is a group looking at the feasibility and possibilities for a Community Center, and (4) planning for work continues on the property across the river at the Old Mill buildings, and the hope and vision that property could someday soon be a park and community area for citizens of Hillsborough.
I wonder… is it time to think of these things together, and look at one big space that could serve multiple needs and interests? I hear there are concerns about the Dutton Twins I don’t know or understand, but seems to me it is worth considering based on the idea that one site could satisfy all of the above issues. It could house all the town offices in a majestic historic building that is near the center of town and on its Main Street. I think there is enough land to increase its parking capability. It is big enough to house a Teen Center, a vital and necessary service for our town and its youth, I believe. I think it also has the space to have multi-function meeting and gathering spaces that could also include a Community Center and Senior Center. And I think it is directly across the river from the Old Mill site. There has been talk of the vision to reconstruct the wooden foot bridge to connect the two sides of town, and the Dutton Twins sits on the land on the north side of that bridge. The result could be the two sides of the river both being town properties, and connected by a foot bridge, and be landscaped to be a wonderful town park, with public access to the river.
Again, I don’t know the concerns about the Dutton Twins. But I do very much like the vision of a large majestic town complex serving multiple needs; historic preservation, central easy access to government services, public parking, community meeting and gathering spaces, and recreational access to the river. I hope it is seriously considered.
Nancy Egner Denu