Roadside Ministry provides salvation and free food
The Cornerstone Motorcycle Ministry is working its magic on the side of the road during Bike Week by giving away free food and coffee, and providing a rest spot for the thousands of bikers roaring down Rt. 9, to and from Laconia. They are located in Antrim at the Tent and are open 24 hours a day, from this past Saturday through this Sunday, giving bikers a place to rest and eat, so they keep alert and safe.Free food, rest and salavation can be found at this biker's pit stop on Rt. 9. (Michael Pon photo)
“They saved us from having to ride home last night,” said Devon Harris, who was riding behind her boyfriend on their way back from Laconia. “Instead of riding home to Albany, they let us stay here. They gave us a tent and blankets."
The Ministry members dress, look, talk and bluster forth like any motorcycle club member anywhere, but their gregarious nature is full of the message of salvation and good cookies.
The food is free, but the cookies made by local church organizations, come with a price.Devon Harris and Shane Barrows stayed the night at the Tent, so they wouldn't have to ride all the way to Albany, NY. (Michael Pon photo)
“We’re a Christian organization. Our main thing is that nobody leaves the Tent without a bag of cookies,” said Ministry member Paul Davis. “If you leave without your cookies, we’ll track you down. I’ve done that more than a few times.”
Davis went on to say that the cookies are kind of like Cracker Jacks. “We call them Cookie Jacks, because a surprise comes in every package and that prize is salvation,” he explained.
The Ministry has been providing a food and rest stop during Bike Week for 31 years at different spots on Rt. 9 from Hillsborough to Keene. But three years ago they bought the 2.78-acre roadside property where they erect the Tent and their kitchen each year. It borders the Northbranch River, where those resting can soak their feet. And it provides a place for them to reach out to the public.
The crux of their message can be found in a small breezily written pamphlet inside each bag of cookies. “Need to Rap?” the pamphlet asks, and then gives the contact info for Cornerstone Outreach at 352-2616. Other than that, there is no one hounding you for your soul – only the example of good will they give by providing safe haven to those on the road.
The Ministry was started by Joe Delio, and they serve somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 free meals during Bike Week each year. They also give away 24,000 of the required cookies each year.
The Ministry members take turns going to Laconia during the week and manning the Tent.
“Even though the sign says for bikers, anybody can stop,” said Davis. “Nobody is turned away who is hungry, because Jesus says we should feed our children.”
On August 9, beginning at 2 p.m., the Ministry will be hosting a corn roast and chicken bar-b-q, at $8 a plate, all proceeds to benefit the permanent Home for the Tent. Bring your kids and fishing poles, they advise.
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